A glance at BizOpp

Coming together seems like a thing of the past in the wake of the pandemic. To relish this sense of togetherness and service in safe and trusted environments, we put forward a ‘Pravasi Samrambham’ (NRI Collective) driven by a bigger dream to introduce eminent talents and developments to a myriad of International facets. We are a group of common people who seek to familiarize a shared sense of upliftment along with the establishment of a novel phrase ‘Local is the International’, which will enable us to take indigenous flairs to unexplored realms of exposure and progress.
The achievement of the goals set by this group resides in the encouragement and opportunities that we assure to create in the people with the launch of BIZOPP. We target the youth in order to empower and crack open their shells to present them into the arena of commerce and trade without any hesitations or fear of failures. They form the major share of the population of this country and hence, this is our way of giving back to the society.

Major Attractions

- Coming together of Pravasi returnees and people from Kerala.
- A team of experienced people along with the bright, young minds of the society.
- Opening of a shopping mall and a hypermarket.
- Providing ease of shopping complete with home delivery options and online shopping scopes.
- Employment opportunities in local neighborhoods.
- Aiding women empowerment and social development.
- International collaborations and technological efficiency for providing our customers with sharp and up- to- date service strategies.
- Uplifting and encouraging indigenous talents through a global perspective.
- Emergence of a Green city.
- Investment opportunities with attractive incentives and the building of strong bonds found on trust and security.
Hang out to shop
your hearts out
Shopping Mall
Who doesn't love a day- long hangout at a shopping mall to zone out and have fun? It's undeniably the trend of the era and to that end, BIZOPP is here for you. We aim to bring you a different shopping experience all together. Come experience seamless and secure leisure hours with your friends and family at BIZOPP Shopping Mall! Surf through wide ranging outlets of department stores from around the world.

A one destination
ride for all needs
We welcome you to our expansive retail facility carrying a wide range of products under the BIZOPP umbrella giant. Get the best deals on various products ranging from grocery, fresh foods, electronic gadgets, home appliances, fashion and beauty with BIZOPP Hypermarket. We also bring to you hygienic and eco-friendly items from small scale vendors, farmers and other agricultural products.
Choose Us
Why BizOpp ?
The answer to this riddle is quite simple. At BIZOPP, customer safety and convenience is the priority. The pandemic has really pushed us into the four walls of our homes. We provide you a safe and sanitized environment for your shopping spree and leisure time. A time far gone is in the process of its retrieval and BIZOPP ensures its customers the best experience ever.
"We are in this for the long run, to stand out in our own way without compromising on the values that we stand for."
Invest In Us
Why Invest In Us ?
Small contributions are the doors through which greater business opportunities enter. We have a number of service and conglomerate verticals. Therefore, this is a major opportunity for businesses to invest in this particular juncture and develop alongside of us. The share- holders will have ownership in both the land premises and the hypermarket. Potential investors have employment options as an added benefit.
They form the major share of the population of this country and hence, this is our way of giving back to the society. This is a mass game aimed at an integral development through effective tools of international concepts. To put it simply, we see a bigger dream with many service verticals capable of altering the market landscape, for good. Women empowerment along with social development is on board in this unique journey to a better living.

"Let's move together build this empire under the tag of trust and effective partnership."
Our Team
It is a coming together- KOOTAYMA- of ordinary people, both the experienced as well as the young generation, who has in its core, the larger objective of protecting the NRI returnees. BIZOPP's aim of giving back to the society through this venture clubbed with low income groups is all the more a solid reason to choose us. The operating team (Pravasi Kootayma) which includes a collective of abroad returnees and from Kerala, is well- competent with over 40 years of experience in the fields of trade and commerce.
We strive to be the most efficient service provider as it is not something that we would skim through. We are in this for the long run; to stand out in our own unique way without comprising on the values that we vouch for.

Contact Us
Indian Coordinators
P.A Abdul Hameed
V.A Thaju
P.A Noufal
+91-85474 70790
+91-94001 99242
+91-70344 14777
GCC Coordinators
A.U Nisamudheen (UAE)
K.V Sidique (UAE)
K.V Sidique (IND)
P.S.M Hussain (Qatar)
P.A Naushad (Kuwait)
+971-55 9416194
+971-507 116 701
+91-9188 009 701
+974-55 806 064
+965-97 813 763